A Goofy Movie (1995)

I got to tell you guys: I forgot how much I love this movie. I used to work at Target, and I had friends working over in Starbucks who loved this movie growing up. So, we, then, would play “I2I” repeatedly when it was dead in the store, and we’d be jamming to it, dancing like fools. Well, maybe goofs instead of fools.

Literally my friends and I around Target.

I thought Hocus Pocus brought on nostalgia, but I was oh-so-wrong. A Goofy Movie is literally one of the most 90’s-esque movies that any Disney lover could watch, and it’s not surprising at all since the old sitcom Goof Troop was made in 1992. The clothes, colors, music, and the dialogue. Nostalgia aside, this movie is a great coming of age story, a wonderful family film, and an awesome road trip adventure between father and son.

We’re the Goof Troop, and we’ll always be together!

A Goofy Movie starts off in a field with Max, voiced by Jason Mardsen, running towards Roxanne, obviously his crush. They lay in the field in bliss when everything goes dark, and Roxanne jumps back with a gasp. The screen pans to Max, who now has buck teeth like his father. You finally realize that this was a dream turned into a nightmare of Max fearing of growing into Goofy when he gets older.


Max jumps awake in terror as Goofy enters the room to make sure Max is getting ready for school. Max hurries to school as we realize that Max and his friend, PJ, are planning something for the last day before summer. As typical for any kid in school, all the kids are anxious for the end of the school day to start their vacations, and the movie showcases this with the annoyingly catchy song “After Today”. I’m not upset that it’s so catchy; I am more upset at myself for being in my late 20s and am still able to get all these songs from my childhood in my head.

I feel ya, buddy.

MOVING ON! Max, PJ, and their friend Bobby, voiced by Pauly Shore, turned out to be concocting a prank for the student assembly to get Roxanne to finally notice Max. I always found it funny because it was clear that Roxanne already has been noticing him, but Max’s just way too oblivious to realize.

Yeah, girl. You ain’t subtle.

The prank was Max, dressed as everyone’s favorite popstar, Powerline, lip-syncing to a song to make him “Stand Out”. Unfortunately, they were all in deep trouble with the principal, who ends up calling Goofy and angrily telling him to keep his son in check lest he wind up in the electric chair. Goofy’s not-so-nice friend, Pete, voiced by the insanely talented Jim Cummings, gives him the idea of going on a road trip with Max to bond with him, and keep him in check.

Wish I could jam out this well…

Devastated about leaving just when he finally managed to get a date with Roxanne, Max hastily comes up with a story to her about going to L.A. with his dad to go to the big Powerline concert. He makes it worse by telling her that he will wave to her on the stage, which she, like any teenager would, tells everyone in town. Now Max must manage to avoid going to Lake Destiny, Idaho for a fishing trip, and instead get his dad to go to L.A. for the Powerline concert! And this is the point where the movie really starts. Max and Goofy’s road trip had everything: Father and son bonding, music, Bigfoot, and Powerline!

See, that’s more like me…

I think it’s safe to say that I love this movie, not much different from any other Disney movie! Ha-ha. If it wasn’t obvious already, I think the music is probably the best part of it in my eyes. Tevin Campbell’s Powerline is so great that I wish there was an album out from this artist. I need more Powerline songs! “Stand Out” and “I2I” are the absolute best songs in this film! I can listen to them and immediately be pumped up and energized.

That being said, the songs that Goofy and Max provide are wonderful in their own way; they provide an insight to these characters that is surprisingly deep and heartfelt. The song “Nobody Else but You” is truly an adorable song between father and son, and accurately represents relationships between parents and teenagers. I remember being Max’s age and wanting to develop an independence from my parents, so totally relate to Max, but not to his methods.

All-in-all, A Goofy Movie is a great movie to watch with the family, especially teenagers. It is a fun coming-of-age story with adventure and a little Disney magic, and has an incredible amount of heart for a “goofy” movie. Hyuck! I crack myself up.

How do you all feel about A Goofy Movie? What is your favorite part of it? Leave comments below!

Published by disneydevotees3

We are the Disney Devotees. This blog is essentially our ode to Walt Disney and the entire world that he created. We're Caitlin and Cari, and we love all things Disney. From parks to TV shows, we're going to cover it all!

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